MAD Fly coaching program

MAD Brussels

© Sam Gilbert

MAD Fly is a mentoring program that is aimed at starting entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. As your business takes shape and progresses through various stages, important strategic decisions will need to be made. These decisions are often complex and sometimes it is important to get advice and support from independent sources. A good mentor can be invaluable to entrepreneurs, helping to give advice and new insights. 

The MAD Fly coaching trajectory will be monitored by the MAD Business team. This program was created with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Brussels Capital Region.



This individual coaching programme is being offered to 4 Brussels-based companies in the fashion or design sector, with a maximum value of €3,600 including VAT. Together with our expert team, the 4 chosen companies will receive support in setting up their international business development strategy (brand & product positioning, production, distribution strategy, pricing, internationalization, image and communication, collaborations, etc.).

Specifically, the MAD Fly coaching program involves 15 hours of individual coaching spread over 1 year, from 1st of January 2024 to 31st of December 2024. Depending on the type of product your company has to offer, additional activities will be proposed during the course of the program.



  • Be based in the Brussels Capital Region and have a Belgian VAT number

  • Be in business for at least 1 year

  • In fashion: have produced at least 1 collection

  • In object/textile/industrial/urban/scenography/collectible design: Have produced at least 1 object or 1 commissioned project

  • Have a development strategy

  • Have a communication strategy

  • Have at least 1 point of sale in Belgium or internationally



  • Finance & Management: draft business plan or financial plan

  • Product: adequacy of product and marketing

  • Image: quality of the collections and products presented 

  • Strategy: adequacy of the development and communication strategy

  • Motivation for the requested support 

  • Sustainable, inclusive and/or innovative character of the project



This call for applications open from 19/10/2023 until 01/12/2023.


PHASE 1  Selection of applications

Applications for 2024 will be accepted until  1st of December 2023, 22:00 ,after which applications can no longer be accepted. 

Following documents are required to be enclosed with the Application Form: 

  • CV

  • Business plan

  • Latest financial balance sheet or financial plan 

  • Most recent lookbook or catalogue


PHASE 2 — Jury

The Jury will be held at MAD on Wednesday 13th of December 2023 – Timeslots TBC

Kick off meeting with experts: TBC


PHASE 3  Announcement 

Announcement of the winners: not later than 15th of December 2023


Contact reference person 

  — Peggy Acke 


 — T : +32 880 85 66



You can download the application rules below. 

Please describe the DNA of your business project and/or product. / Veuillez décrire l'ADN de votre projet d'entreprise et/ou de votre produit. / Gelieve het DNA van je ondernemingsproject en/of product te beschrijven. (2.500 characters maximum / 2.500 caractères maximum / 2.500 tekens maximum)
Specify here why this support can boost your business. / Précisez ici pourquoi ce soutien peut dynamiser votre entreprise. / Beschrijf hier waarom deze steun jouw onderneming een boost zou kunnen geven. Please read the participation rules carefully. / Veuillez lire attentivement le reglement de participation / Gelieve de regels voor deelname aandachtig te lezen.
From prototyping to meeting the customer. Specify your target audience. Specify your current distribution (national and international distribution). Please specify current national and international sales points where you would be interested in being sold. / Du prototypage à la rencontre avec le client. Précisez votre public cible. Précisez votre distribution actuelle (distribution nationale et internationale). Précisez les points de vente nationaux et internationaux actuels où vous souhaiteriez être vendu. / Van prototype tot ontmoeting met de klant. Verduidelijk je doelgroep. Verduidelijk je huidige distributie (op nationaal en/of internationaal niveau). Verduidelijk je huidige verkooppunten en verkooppunten waarin je potentieel geïnteresseerd bent (op nationaal en/of internationaal niveau).
Start date of the project. Expected completion date of the project. The main steps of development / Date de début du projet. Date prévue d'achèvement du projet. Les principales étapes du développement / Start datum van het project. Verwachte datum van voltooing van het project. De Belangrijkste stappen in de ontwikkeling
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