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Belgium is Design
In Our Name Belgium
Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains
Nieuwe Graanmarkt, 10
1000 Brussels
+32 2 880 85 62
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"The key is always to keep your eyes and ears open and welcome inspiration in"
Interview with Carole Baijings
"Dare to create your own materials, so that you develop a product that is exactly how you want it."
Belgian Fashion Awards 2024
These are the winners of the Belgian Fashion Awards 2024!
News article
DESIGNBLOK in Prague, A design highlight not to be missed
Interview avec Paulineplusluis
“Right from the start, we liked the idea of diverting ordinary elements from their original purpose."
Interview with Theodore Godson
"I know that in this process, I am still learning, and I will always be a student of life."
Interview with Marie Vandewiele
"My designs, conceptually strong and primarily custom-made, are intended to convey a message."
Interview with Lila John
“When it comes to costumes, it's about finding harmony and equality on stage while still aiming for the best appearance for everyone."
Interview with Daniel Henry
"I am a true craftsman and my inspiration comes from doing."
Interview with Stephanie D'heygere
"Humor has always been an essential part of my approach."
Interview with Eunji Oh
“I learned how to prepare myself for competitions, the key word to get through the selection is organization.”
Interview with Leslie Nonvignon
"Being recognized by people in the field with experience energizes me to step out of my comfort zone."
Belgian Fashion Awards 2023
These are the winners of the Belgian Fashion Awards 2023!
Interview with Lieven André
"As a tattoo artist, I manage to combine both the graphic aspect and the artistic one."
Interview met Noëmi Orgaer
"La Cambre focuses primarily on extensive research, often with a technique, material or product as the end result."
Interview with Julien Renault
"Try to develop your own language, a language that is coherent and recognizable."
Interview with Jaime Hayon
"I don't really think about separation between design, interior design, art installation or paintings."
Interview with The Zed
"Before I create something, I always have in mind the mood that goes with it"
Interview with Shishi San
"I've always been inspired by Asian flowers, Chinese and Japanese vases with their patterns, colors and shapes. I wanted to create my own version of these vases."
Interview with Juliet Bonhomme
"There are already plenty of ways to keep up with fashion without further polluting the planet."
Interview with Manuel Leromain
"Sometimes the creative process is more interesting than the result."
Interview with Bruce Vansteenwinkel
"At an entry-level level, graphic design should really be a playground. Don't be afraid to break something."
Interview with Audrey Contesse
"Allow yourself to imagine and dream about the everyday space in which you evolve"
Interview with Priyanka Mehta
"The arrival of lab grown diamonds forces the natural diamond industry to really consider ethics."
Interview with Nicolas Lavigna
"Our ambition was to redefine the codes of eco-responsible footwear."