© Alexandra Bertels

Add a vacancy

Are you looking for a project manager, shop assistant, designer or social media intern for your fashion or design company? MAD Brussels can help you in your search for the right employee for your vacancy. We give you the opportunity to add your job vacancy to our online database. 


Criteria for adding your vacancy: 

  • You are a company based in Belgium in the sectors fashion, acessory, jewelry, textile design, product design, collectible design, furniture design, set design

  • You are looking for a permanent employee, freelance designer or intern for your company


How does it work? 

  • Encode your job offer below. 

  • To add your job vacancy to our website, you must have an online link to your own website or LinkedIn page where interested candidates can consult your job opportunity.

  • MAD Brussels will verify if your vacancy matches the requested criteria and our values.

  • If your vacancy is validated, it will automatically on our website page.